Outdoor Adventure – Top 5 Activities For Your Unforgettable Weekend

Amazing things await if you experience an exhilarating outdoor adventure.

Urban areas provide society with great benefits in terms of global health and well-being. However, more and more people report work-related stress and low social interactions. Decreasing the green areas within a city and active transportation policies inevitably lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

As a preventative step against the growing number of health issues that are arising, several cities, mostly in Asia, Europe, Australia, and South America, are making significant investments in urban green areas and active city designs.

To fight back, some of them find a solution in outdoor activities focused on the healing attributes of nature.
Nature-related outdoor activities bring tremendous benefits in improved fitness and mental health. Studies have shown that spending at least 120 minutes per week in nature is associated with good health and well-being (1).

These are 5 recommended activities for your better mental well-being:

Hiking through National Park

Besides the common health-related benefits of hiking (2), it is quite an experience hiking through National Parks. The sightseeing of the National Park can wake up our sense of importance being a human in an untouched ecosystem. Also, National Parks often provide outdoor adventures through different activities to engage people and enjoy their surroundings such as: swimming in the lake, kayaking or canoeing.

Camping – Stargazing

Escape from everyday hustle and city noise by camping under the stars. A nearby forest or mountain should be enough for the first outdoor adventure. Experience real nature during the night while sitting by the fire you have made. Summer or late spring would be a great time for the first camping. However, don’t forget some essentials like a compass, food, water and a first aid kit. Camping in the wilderness is an amazing opportunity to disconnect from technology and think about the special connection that we share with nature.

What is an outdoor adventure without Mountain Biking

It’s finally time to buy that off-road bike and let yourselves into a new outdoor adventure. The thrill of navigating through rugged roads and going down steep terrain is something truly unique for every bike and nature lover. In the beginning, it is recommended to use safe and marked roads for mountain biking. Not to mention the importance of safety gear like helmets, glasses and proper clothes.

Engage in birdwatching

Some people find walking in nature without a tangible goal boring. If you are one of these people, buy yourselves a pair of binoculars and engage in birdwatching. Birdwatching became very popular among nature lovers. The most important thing is investment in great optics. While a good pair of binoculars doesn’t determine the success it surely helps.

Connect with the local birdwatchers and explore locations nearby. Birds usually sleep at night and are hungry in the morning, so becoming a morning person for this activity is a must.

Photography expedition

Another way to give meaning to your hiking tours is to try photography. Exploring photography can take you to various locations from urban Parks to wild untouched nature. For beginners, there are guided photography tours led by professional photographers. Find a niche and photoshoot animals, endemic plants, or architectural ruins.

Preparing for a trip and choosing a proper camera are the two most critical points. Start with a beginner DSLR camera and not remote locations and you can create amazing memories filled with joy and happiness.

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